2024/08/27 3

000t0=Time Language

🔹🔸[000t0=Time Language, World Language, and Number Language]🔸🔹🙋 00t=Hi./Hello./How are you?☞ 001t=Good morning.☜ 002t=Good afternoon.☜ 003t=Good evening.☜ 004t=Good night.☞ 005t=Good bye.ㅡ👫ㅡ👵ㅡㅡ👪ㅡ💝ㅡㅡ👫~🙋 Time Language Basic↔ 010t=Love↔ 020t=Thank you↔ 030t=Welcome↔ 040t=Congratulations↔ 050t=Beautiful↔ 060t=Wonderful↔ 070t=Happy↔ 080t=Bless↔ 090t=PrayTIMEnasa🎼🎼🎼 ✒+.×.÷/=!※※※ (×=Multi..

000t0=Time Language 2024.08.27

세계 최초의 스마트폰 PocketBox=Smartphone, Copyright of the App

🔸🔹[세계 최초의 스마트폰, 포켓박스 The world's first smartphone, PocketBox=Smartphone, App]🔹🔸 ■ The smartphone infringed the copyright of the PocketBox. ■ I've created a PocketBox inspired by looking at the ceiling in 1978. ■ PocketBox is a creation work composed of application as well as a book composed of operating system. ■ By ignoring the copyright protection of Pocket Box works and by recklessly infringi..

세계 최초의 가상화폐, 넘버머니 Number Money=Digital Currency, Virtual Currency, and Cryptocurrency

🔹️[세계 최초의 가상화폐, 넘버머니 Number Money=Cryptocurrency, Digital Currency, and Virtual Currency]🔹️ㅡ 가상화폐(비트코인 포함) 창시자, 저작권자 Copyright holder : T.H. Kwon[Number Money copyright 1969. T.H. Kwon All Rights Reserved.]  넘버머니(HH card/YK card)HH card/YK card=Number MoneyHH card/YK card=NUMBER MONEY=330 Beans+Bottle💰❌❌❌ All cryptocurrencies and digital currencies were created by illegally plagiarizing Numbe..