000t0=Computer Language 241

000t0=Computer Language

🔸🔹[000t0=Time Language, World Language, and Number Language]🔹🔸90t90=Restaurant, Cafe90t1=Hamburger 🍔90t2=Chicken 🐣90t3=Pizza 🍩90t4=Bread 🍞90t5=Steak 🍝 90t6=Donuts 🍛90t7=Spaghetti 🍲----💆------👮👷💂👯---------92t18=Coffee 🍮93t27=Whiskey 🍸94t36=Milk 🍶95t45=Cola 🍷96t54= Water🍵97t63=Juice 🍸98t72=Wine 🍹99t81=Beer 🍻TIMEnasa🎼🎼🎼 ✒+.×.÷/=!※※※ (×=Multiplication sign)🔸🔹🔸000t0=Tim..

000t0=Computer Language

🔸🔹[000t0=Time Language, World Language, and Number Language]🔹🔸 90t90=Restaurant, Cafe 90t1=Hamburger 🍔 90t2=Chicken 🐣 90t3=Pizza 🍩 90t4=Bread 🍞 90t5=Steak 🍝 90t6=Donuts 🍛 90t7=Spaghetti 🍲 ----💆------👮👷💂👯--------- 92t18=Coffee 🍮 93t27=Whiskey 🍸 94t36=Milk 🍶 95t45=Cola 🍷 96t54= Water🍵 97t63=Juice 🍸 98t72=Wine 🍹 99t81=Beer 🍻 TIMEnasa 🎼🎼🎼 ✒+.×.÷/=! ※※※ (×=Multiplication sign) 🔸🔹🔸 000t0=Time Language..

000t0=Computer Language

🔹🔸[000t0=Time Language, World Language, and Number Language]🔸🔹 01t=Ok, Yes 02t=No, Not 03t=So so 04t=Cancel 05t=Next 06t=Mistake 07t=Busy 08t=Sorry 09t=Good, That's fantastic! TIMEnasa 🎼🎼🎼 ✒+.×.÷/=! ※※※ (×=Multiplication sign) 🔸🔹🔸 000t0=Time Language, AI Language, Common Language, Computer Language, Digital Language, Future Language, Global Language, ICT Language, International Language, Interne..

000t0=Computer Language

🔹🔸[000t0=Time Language, World Language, and Number Language]🔸🔹🙋 00t=Hi. / Hello. / How are you?☞ 001t=Good morning.☜ 002t=Good afternoon.☜ 003t=Good evening.☜ 004t=Good night.☞ 005t=Good bye.ㅡ👫ㅡ👵ㅡㅡ👪ㅡ💝ㅡㅡ👫~🙋 Time Language Basic↔ 010t=Love↔ 020t=Thank you↔ 030t=Welcome↔ 040t=Congratulations↔ 050t=Beautiful↔ 060t=Wonderful↔ 070t=Happy↔ 080t=Bless↔ 090t=PrayTIMEnasa🎼🎼🎼 ✒+.×.÷/=!※※※ (×=M..

000t0=Computer Language

🔸🔹[000t0=Time Language, World Language, and Number Language]🔹🔸 33t55=School 학교 3355t1=Kindergarten 유치원 3355t2=Primary School 초등학교 3355t3=Middle School 중학교 3355t4=High School 고등학교 3355t5=University 대학교 3355t6=Graduate School 대학원 55t1=Student 55t2=Professor, Teacher 교수 55t3=Class 수업 55t4=Lecture 강의 55t5=Subject 55t6=Test, Exam 55t7=Classroom 강의실 55t8=Vacation 55t9=Report card 55t10=Bachelor's Degr..

000t0=Computer Language

🔸🔹[000t0=Time Language, World Language, and Number Language]🔹🔸33t55=School 학교3355t1=Kindergarten 유치원3355t2=Primary School 초등학교3355t3=Middle School 중학교3355t4=High School 고등학교3355t5=University 대학교3355t6=Graduate School 대학원55t1=Student55t2=Professor, Teacher 교수55t3=Class 수업55t4=Lecture 강의55t5=Subject55t6=Test, Exam55t7=Classroom 강의실55t8=Vacation55t9=Report card55t10=Bachelor's Degree 학사55t20=Ma..