TIMEnasa Creations(Books & Works)) 3

TIMEnasa Creations (Works & Books)

🌍 TIMEnasa Creations(Books & Works) Author T.H. Kwon 🌐 ▪️ PocketBox=Smartphone, App 📱 ▪️ Nti2000=IoT, Metaverse, Smart City, Smart Systems 📡 ▪️ Number Money=Digital Currency, Virtual Currency and Cryptocurrency 💰 ▪️ 000t0=TIMELANGUAGE 📖 ▪️ M+W=People Language 📖 ▪️ 2.10.5 Language(1962) 📖 📚TIME STOP theory(36) 3/550=5/550=7/550=9/550 ㅡ Written by TH Kwon ㅡ ▪️ PocketBox / Nti2000 / Number Money / ..

000t0=International Language

🔹🔸[000t0=Time Language, World Language, Number Language]🔸🔹 7t77=Have a nice day! 좋은 하루 되세요! 34×t=Cheer up! 힘내요! 35×t=Best 0005t=0!5=Top 007t=Nice to meet you. 0015t=User 0009t=0!9=God bless you! 0t0=Amen 아멘 011t=Go to work 011^t=Get off work 033t=Schedule 044t=Money 055t=Victory 066t=Textbook 77t7=Meeting 077t=Business 088t=Internet 099t=Computer 123×t=300×t=Please call me. 99×t=Game 0t77=Global..

TIMEnasa Creations

🔸🔹[000t0=Time Language, World Language, and Number Language]🔹🔸 33t55=School 학교 3355t1=Kindergarten 유치원 3355t2=Primary School 초등학교 3355t3=Middle School 중학교 3355t4=High School 고등학교 3355t5=University 대학교 3355t6=Graduate School 대학원 55t1=Student 55t2=Professor, Teacher 교수 55t3=Class 수업 55t4=Lecture 강의 55t5=Subject 55t6=Test, Exam 55t7=Classroom 강의실 55t8=Vacation 55t9=Report card 55t10=Bachelor's Degr..