2024/02/16 3

세계 최초의 사물인터넷 Nti2000=IoT, Metaverse, Smart City, and Smart Systems

📱 세계 최초의 사물인터넷, 메타버스, 스마트시티, 스마트시스템 Nti2000=IoT, Metaverse, Smart City, and Smart Systems 🌐ㅡ Don't infringe our copyright.ㅡ Do you have any idea about original work of someone?ㅡ CopyrightNo Nation, individual, or entity should ever infringe on our copyright.ㅡ ❌ Don't infringe our copyright ❌ㅡ Infringement of the work can’t be excused for any reason.ㅡ ❌ It’s not your Work ❌Imitation, theft, and..

000t0=Universal Language

🔹🔸[000t0=Time Language, World Language, Number Language]🔸🔹 10t10=Airport 20t20=Bus terminal 30t30=Train station 40t40=Subway station 50t50=Hotel 60t60=Hospital 70t70=Department Store 80t80=Bank 90t90=Restaurant, Cafe 0t000=TIMEnasa 🎼🎼🎼 ✒+.×.÷/=! ※※※ (×=Multiplication sign) 🔸🔹🔸 000t0=Time Language, AI Language, Common Language, Computer Language, Digital Language, Future Language, Global Language..