2022/11/13 3

000t0=SNS Language

🔹🔸[000t0=Time Language, World Language, Number Language]🔸🔹 🙋 00t=Hi./How are you? ☞ 001t=Good morning. ☜ 002t=Good afternoon. ☜ 003t=Good evening. ☜ 004t=Good night. ☞ 005t=Good bye. ㅡ👫ㅡ👵ㅡㅡ👪ㅡ💝ㅡㅡ👫~ 🙋 Time Language Basic ↔ 010t=Love ↔ 020t=Thank you ↔ 030t=Welcome ↔ 040t=Congratulations ↔ 050t=Beautiful ↔ 060t=Wonderful ↔ 070t=Happy ↔ 080t=Bless ↔ 090t=Pray 🎼🎼🎼 ✒+.×.÷/=! ※※※ (×=Multiplication sign..

000t0=SNS Language 2022.11.13

000t0=Program Language

🔸🔹[000t0=Time Language, World Language, and Number Language]🔹🔸33t55=School 학교3355t1=Kindergarten 유치원3355t2=Primary School 초등학교3355t3=Middle School 중학교3355t4=High School 고등학교3355t5=University 대학교3355t6=Graduate School 대학원55t1=Student55t2=Professor, Teacher 교수55t3=Class 수업55t4=Lecture 강의55t5=Subject55t6=Test, Exam55t7=Classroom 강의실55t8=Vacation55t9=Report card55t10=Bachelor's Degree 학사55t20=Ma..

000t0=Link Language

🔸🔹[000t0=Time Language, World Language, and Number Language]🔹🔸33t55=School 학교3355t1=Kindergarten 유치원3355t2=Primary School 초등학교3355t3=Middle School 중학교3355t4=High School 고등학교3355t5=University 대학교3355t6=Graduate School 대학원55t1=Student55t2=Professor, Teacher 교수55t3=Class 수업55t4=Lecture 강의55t5=Subject55t6=Test, Exam55t7=Classroom 강의실55t8=Vacation55t9=Report card55t10=Bachelor's Degree 학사55t20=Ma..

000t0=Link Language 2022.11.13