2022/01/22 3

Number Money=Digital Currency, Virtual Currency and Cryptocurrency

[Number Money=Digital Currency, Virtual Currency and Cryptocurrency] 💰 Number Money ㅡ 가상화폐(비트코인 포함) 창시자, 저작권자 Copyright holder : T.H. Kwon ㅡ [Number Money copyright 1969. T.H. Kwon All Rights Reserved.] 넘버머니(HH card / YK card) HH card / YK card=Number Money HH card / YK card=NUMBER MONEY=330 Beans+Bottle ❌❌ 현재 사용되고 있는 가상화폐(암호화폐)는 가치가 제로(0)이다. The virtual currency(cryptocurrency) currently in use..

Nti2000=IoT, Metaverse, Smart City, Smart Systems

ㅡ 📱 Nti2000=IoT, Metaverse, Smart City, Smart Systems 🌐 ㅡ Do not infringe upon our copyright. ㅡ Do you have any idea about original work of someone? ㅡ Copyright No Nation, individual, or entity should ever infringe on our copyright. ㅡ ❌ Don't infringe our copyright ❌ ㅡ Infringement of the work can’t be excused for any reason. ㅡ ❌ It’s not your Work ❌ Imitation, theft, and plagiarism are prohibit..

카테고리 없음 2022.01.22

000t0=Universal Language

🔹🔸[000t0=Time Language, World Language, Number Language]🔸🔹 35×t=best!, You're the best! 당신이 최고에요! 0005t=0!5=top 0015t=user 011t=go to work 011^t=get off work 033t=schedule 044t=money 055t=victory 066t=textbook 0019t=insurance 077t=business 088t=internet 099t=computer 😅123×t=300×t=Please call me. 0t77=global 0t21=Miracles happen. 기적은 일어난다. 44t44=Location 44t1=east 44t2=west 44t3=south 44t4=north ..

카테고리 없음 2022.01.22