2021/11 89

000t0 = International Language

🔹🔸[000t0 = Time Language, World Language, Number Language]🔸🔹 35×t=best!, You're the best! 최고!, 당신이 최고에요! 0005t=0!5=top 0015t=user 011t=go to work 011^t=get off work 033t=schedule 044t=money 055t=victory 066t=textbook 0019t=insurance 077t=business 088t=internet 099t=computer 😅123×t=300×t=Please call me. 0t77=global 0t21=Miracles happen. 44t44=Location 44t1=east 44t2=west 44t3=south 44t4=north ㅡ01..

카테고리 없음 2021.11.06

000t0=Global Language

🔹🔸[000t0=Time Language, World Language, Number Language]🔸🔹 7t77=Have a nice day! 좋은 하루 보내세요! 070t 1t1=Happy Birthday! 생일 축하해요! 01t01=We're best friends forever! 우린 영원한 친구! 02t02=We Go Together! 우리 함께 갑시다! 0005t=0!5=0!0=Top, Awesome 최고의 007t=Nice to meet you. 0010t=Health, Stay healthy! 건강하세요! 0015t=User 0009t=God bless you! 하나님의 축복이 있기를! 0t0=Amen 아멘 033t=Schedule 044t=Money 055t=Victory 066t=Tex..

000t0=Digital Language

🔹🔸[000t0=Time Language, World Language, Number Language]🔸🔹 4t0=Season 4t1=Spring 4t2=Summer 4t3=Fall, Autumn 4t4=Winter ㅡㅡ;ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ🔸🔹💛:- 0410t=Weather 0411t=It's sunny. 0412t=It's snowy. 0413t=It's rainy. 0414t=It's cloudy. 0415t= It's windy. 0416t=It's cold. 0417t=It's hot. 0418t=It's cool. 0419t=It's warm. ㅡㅡ 🎼🎼🎼 ✒+.×.÷/=! ※※※ (×=Multiplication sign) 🔸🔹🔸 000t0=Time Language, AI Language, Common ..