2021/03/08 3

Number Money = Digital Currency, Virtual Currency

🌏🌏🔹️[Number Money = Digital Currency, Virtual Currency]🔹️🏐🌐 ✒Number Money.....🌏 ㅡ Written by T.H. Kwon ■●□■■◇◇◇◇◇◇◇● ☆ Anyone without the permission of the number currency copyright holder, Unauthorized theft, plagiarism and imitation of number currency, Virtual currency, digital currency cannot be created! ☆ 누구라도 넘버화폐 저작권자의 허락없이, 넘버화폐를 무단도용, 표절, 모방하여, 가상화폐, 디지털화폐를 만들 수 없다! ☆ Number currency is ..

카테고리 없음 2021.03.08

Nti2000 = IoT, Smart City

ㅡ📱🌍⛴🛩🛰 Nti2000=IoT, Smart City ⛴🛩🌐 ㅡ Do not infringe upon our copyright. ... Do you have any idea about original work of someone? ㅡ Copyright No Nation, individual, or entity should ever infringe on our copyright. ㅡ ❌ Don't infringe our copyright ❌ ㅡ Infringement of the work can’t be excused for any reason. ㅡ ❌ It’s not your Work ❌ Imitation, theft, and plagiarism are prohibited. ㅡ Don’t disturb..

카테고리 없음 2021.03.08