전체 글 12158

World language = 000t0

🔹🔸[000t0=Time Language, World Language, Number Language]🔸🔹 🙋 00t=Hi./How are you? ☞ 001t=Good morning. ☜ 002t=Good afternoon. ☜ 003t=Good evening. ☜ 004t=Good night. ☞ 005t=Good bye. ㅡ👫ㅡ👵ㅡㅡ👪ㅡ💝ㅡㅡ👫~ 🙋 Time Language Basic ↔ 010t=Love ↔ 020t=Thank you ↔ 030t=Welcome ↔ 040t=Congratulations ↔ 050t=Beautiful ↔ 060t=Wonderful ↔ 070t=Happy ↔ 080t=Bless ↔ 090t=Pray 000t0=Time Language 0t000=TIMEnasa 🎼🎼🎼 ✒..

Pocket Box I Copyright of the application set

🔸🔹[Pocket Box | Copyright of the application set]🔹🔸 ■ I've created a Pocket Box inspired by looking at the celling in 1991. ■ Pocket Box is a creation work composed of application as well as a book composed of operating system. ☆ Do not infringe Pocket Box Copyright. ☆ Do not use the same work similar to Pocket Box. - If you want to use it, use it after you pay a royalty. ㅡ Pocket Box Copyright ..

카테고리 없음 2016.06.29

000t0=Internet Language

🔹🔸[000t0=Time Language, World Language, Number Language]🔸🔹 01t=Ok, Yes 02t=No, Not 03t=So so 04t=Cancel 05t=Next 06t=Mistake 07t=Busy 08t=Sorry 09t=Good, That's fantastic! 0t000=TIMEnasa 🎼🎼🎼 ✒+.×.÷/=! ※※※ (×=Multiplication sign) 🔸🔹🔸 000t0=Time Language, AI Language, Common Language, Computer Language, Digital Language, Future Language, Global Language, ICT Language, International Language, Inter..