카테고리 없음

Number Money = Digital Currency, Virtual Currency

Huibok Choe PhD 2021. 8. 4. 06:26

🌏🌏🔹️[Number Money = Digital Currency, Virtual Currency]🔹️🏐🌐
✒ Number Money.....🌏
     ㅡ Written by T.H. Kwon ㅡ
ㅡ Don't Infringe Number Currency Copyright!
ㅡ 넘버화폐 저작권을 침해하지 마라!
ㅡ Number Money was created in 1969.
HH.yk card
ㅡ Number money......
ㅡ Digital Currency(Numerical Currency) and
Crypto Currency(Number Currency)
Do not plagiarize the Number Money(The Virtual Currency)!
🌐 디지털화폐<숫자화폐>와 암호화폐<숫자화폐>
넘버머니<가상화폐>를 표절하지 마라!
.✒ Number Money is the source of virtual currency and digital currency.
...넘버머니는 가상화폐와 디지털화폐의 원천이다.
ㅡ Number Currency is the first digital (number) currency and the virtual currency.
ㅡ 넘버화폐는 최초의 디지털(숫자)화폐인 동시에 가상화폐이다.
The first digital currency
The first virtual currency
Number Money was created in 1969 by T.H. Kwon.
  National, individual, enterprise.
Do not infringe on the number currency copyright!
ㅡ Digital Currency/Virtual Currency
It is the work of number currency.
국가, 개인, 기업ㅡ
넘버화폐 저작권 침해하지 마라!!! ㅡ✒✒🌏🌏
ㅡ 디지털화폐/가상화폐는
    넘버화폐의 저작물이다.
In "Digital Currency, Virtual Currency"
ㅡ Plagiarists cannot avoid all responsibility until the end.
ㅡ No one shall infringe on the number currency copyright.
ㅡ "디지털화폐, 가상화폐"에서
ㅡ 표절자는 끝까지 모든 책임을 회피 할 수 없다.
ㅡ 누구도 넘버화폐 저작권 침해하지 마라!
Number Currency(Digital Currency, Virtual Currency)
ㅡ Number Currency is the first work of mankind.
넘버화폐(디지털화폐, 가상화폐)
ㅡ 넘버화폐는 인류 최초의 작품이다.
Number Money
HH.yk card...
  Written by T.H. kwon
Number Money
HH.YK CARD......
[Number Money copyright 1969. T.H. Kwon All Rights Reserved.]
.✒ Copyright registered decades ago. 수십 년 전에 저작권 등록물임.
ㅡ When creating the number currency, there was no virtual currency in the world(1969).
넘버화폐를 창작할 때 세상에는 가상화폐, 디지털화폐란 언어조차 없었다(1969).
ㅡ Mankind couldn't even imagine number currency.
ㅡ 인류는 넘버화폐를 상상조차 할 수 없었다.
Number Money author T.H. Kwon
TIMEnasa (USA)  
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※※※※ (X=multiplication sign)
We're introducing Time Language all over the world. Time Language is the world's language consisting of numbers that anyone in the world can easily use. Time Language frees us from foreign languages. Now, there is no need for interpretation and translation. Time Language is pronounced in the language of each country and the meaning is the same. [000t0=Time Language, Copyright 1974. T.H. Kwon All Rights Reserved.] Looking forward to our interactions. Thank you. HUIBOK CHOE, Ph.D., MBA&CMO
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